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How to start kitesurfing?

The best way is to come down and visit us in Sicily 🙂 However you can start with some homework to get ready for this new adventure. On this page we've gathered some videos that can help you understand the theory behind kitesurfing. It's good to cover some of them before you start the lessons with us. Others will come handy during the learning process and even after you're back home and wish to refresh some parts.

Checking these videos could reduce the amount of lessons you needed to take to reach an independent level! Our goal is to teach you as fast as possible and let you practice safely on your own, rather than selling a lot of lessons.
Gabor Schneidhoffer

Wind window

The wind window is a fundamental concept in kitesurfing.

Understanding the wind window will help you a lot when you start your lessons with us!

Holding the bar

This video will help you to understand how to control the kite. The position of the hands will be very important during your lessons.

Always check your spot

When you arrive to a new place, first you have to check if that spot is suitable for kitesurfing or not!

  • Spot
  • Environment
  • Activity

How to set up your gear

We teach how to set up the gear on the first lesson. During your following lessons with us, many times the equipment will be ready for you, so you can spend more time on the water.  It is very important though to be confident when it comes to knowing the gear, so make sure you practice this part as well!

In this video you will learn how to set up your kite gear, what to check before you start to assemble, or during assembling. 

Beginner Section

Now it’s time to understand how to:

  • Launch the kite
  • Body drag with the kite
  • Do a self-rescue

Launching and landing a kite

This tutorial will explain the principles of launching a kite to support your lessons and stay safe in the future.

how to Relaunch

In this video, the instructor will explain to you some methods we use to relaunch the kite from the water.

Self rescue

It is very important to know how to activate your safety and if it’s needed how to pack your kite in the water and perform wing-tip sailing to get back to the shore. In this video, you will learn all of this and of course, we will also practice it during your lessons with us.

Body Drag

Upwind body drag is a very important skill in deep water.
We will show the technique to you briefly, but in our lagoon, it is not a necessity since you can stand up anywhere and just walk for your board.
When you choose a kite spot with deep water you will need to master this skill!

Common Mistakes

  • Pulling on the bar too much
  • Oversteering the kite
  • Back stalling

Advanced Section

Now it’s time to step forward and learn how to get on the board and ride 🙂

How to Waterstart?

Waterstart Version 2:

How to ride upwind?


Going Upwind Fast?? You have to go slow!!

This video will show you why you have to learn how to ride slow to go upwind fast!

Riding in light wind

Here you will find everything you need to know about riding in light-wind conditions.

How to ride in light wind?

How to relaunch in light wind?

Riding toeside:

Carving turns:

And of course here comes the best part JUMPING 🙂

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