Sicily reopens for kitesurfing!

Italy finally opens its boarders so we don’t have to live much longer without our favourite kitesurfing spot in Europe. Most of the flights will start in July, and there will be some more options (direct flights) from August. For EU citizens there WON’T be obligatory quarantine after entering the country. 

Tickets to Sicily for this summer!

We collected some flights for you to all 3 airports of Sicily: Palermo, Catania and Trapani. Since renting a car is a must once you arrive to Sicily, you can consider any of these airports. The closest one to the kitespot is Trapani, but that’s also the smallest. Most direct flights go to Catania, which is a 3-4 hours drive from our base in Birgi. If you’re thinking about flying to Catania, you should plan a roadtrip with a few stops along the way, the island has a lot to offer besides kitesurfing.. 

Here you can find some ideas what to check on your way :

Palermo is only an hour drive from the lagoon and luckily most of the airlines fly there regularly.


Check your options and join us in our empty lagoon for some kitesurfing! The season is just starting J

Kitesurfing Sicily after Corona Virus


Tickets with 1 stop: Budapest Palermo  (Rome or Milan) Wizzair+Alitalia 150-200 euro

Direct Flight: Budapest Palermo Ryanair from August (5-12) 100 euro

Budapest Catania direct Wizzair from July (4-14) 110 euro


Vienna Palermo direct Lauda Motion from July (14-21) 90 euro


Baden-Baden Trapani direct Ryanair July (13-20) 100 euro

München Palermo direct Ryanair July (20-27) 100 euro

Düsseldorf Palermo direct Ryanair July (24-31) 120 euro

Stuttgart Palermo direct Eurowings 160 euro

Berlin Palermo direct Ryanair 150 euro



Genf Palermo direct EasyJet from August (3-10) 200 euro

Zürich Palermo direct SwissAir August (3-10) 200 euro




Amsterdam Trapani 1 stop (Milan) 200 euro

Amsterdam Palermo 1 stop (Rome) 150 euro

Direct flight from Amsterdam  to Catania EasyJet or KLM 140 euro



Brussels Palermo direct Ryanair 170 euro



Paris Palermo direct Ryanair July (11-22) 130 euro

You can find more info about Sicily here: